Change Your Mood In 5 Minutes
Being in a state of low mood often brings about negative thoughts and behaviors that perpetuate the low mood. For example if you are feeling overwhelmed and sad you are likely to do maladaptive coping behaviors like sleeping too much, over eating or over spending. These behaviors then cause an even greater low mood. This is the perfect breeding ground for those negative self-critical thoughts that further bring down mood.
How to Be More Confident
Confident people have a settled state of self awareness and acceptance.
Start with the end in mind. Confident people have a settled state of self awareness and acceptance. Cultivate a solid sense of self. Get to know yourself. This may sound cheesy but the truth is we spend most of our day outwardly focused. Taking in information from other people and outside stimulation. How much time do you spend each day listening, perceiving, and responding to your self? This can look a few different ways:
Time Management Strategies for Women
Proven Strategies: For Effortless Productivity and Work Life Balance
For the modern woman, mastering time management is the key to balancing a demanding career, relationships, and self care. These actionable steps will help you cultivate a more balanced and fulfilled life.
How To Aesthetic Home Design
Romanticize your life begins with curating a well designed home. Put in the extra effort to create the experience that you desire at home. To set the mood first choose one word that describes how you want to feel at home. To create those feel good emotions requires that you make the extra effort to design your home
The Habits Of Successful Women
What I learned from James Clear Atomic Habits.
The first step to creating better habits is to change your mindset. You have to decide to become the person who does the habit. Say you want to create a new habit of running regularly. Start by deciding you are a runner. Think “fake it until you make it”. It sounds clique but there is some truth. Once you decide you are a runner you then have to convince your subconscious mind it is true. How? Start running. Every time you go for a run you are making a case for your new reality. I am a runner. See, I’m running. Eventually your subconscious mind will catch up to this new habit and you will no longer have to fake it. You and everyone around you will confirm that you are in fact a runner.