The Habits Of Successful Women
Transform Your Life a Practical Self Development Checklist
What I learned Atomic Habits
James Clear
The first step to creating better habits is to change your mindset. You have to decide to become the person who does the habit. Say you want to create a new habit of running regularly. Start by deciding you are a runner. Think “fake it until you make it”. It sounds clique but there is some truth. Once you decide you are a runner you then have to convince your subconscious mind it is true. How? Start running. Every time you go for a run you are making a case for your new reality. I am a runner. See, I’m running. Eventually your subconscious mind will catch up to this new habit and you will no longer have to fake it. You and everyone around you will confirm that you are in fact a runner. First form the new identity then go about making it true.
Habit stacking
What are some habits you have already formed. Maybe you brush your teeth soon after waking up. That’s a habit. What can you tag onto that already pre fixed and engrained habit. Maybe after you brush your teeth you say your daily affirmations.
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Hard action first
The thing you want to do only after the thing you have to do. This one has been a game changer for me. I habitually shop on line. The thing I want to do. I don’t enjoy going through my bank statements and paying bills. The thing I have to do. So I cannot online shop until I go through my bank statements and pay all my pills, student loans, and put money into my investment accounts. HARD ACTION FIRST before the DESIRED ACTION. After 6 months of this habit ritual I now routinely enjoy my “Money Mondays” the one day a month I go through my finances. It’s now a habit, no effort needed!
Make it enjoyable
The anticipation of the reward is almost always more satisfying than the actual thing. Our bodies release more dopamine from just anticipating than when we actually experience the real thing. Anticipate how good you’ll feel after that run. Imagine yourself at the end of the night knowing you accomplished your goals for the day. Think about how good and energized you will be in the morning because you went to bed on time.