WELLNESS Glory Okugo WELLNESS Glory Okugo

Overcome Self Doubt 

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound. Change your mindset and change your life.

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The Habits Of Successful Women

What I learned from James Clear Atomic Habits.

The first step to creating better habits is to change your mindset. You have to decide to become the person who does the habit. Say you want to create a new habit of running regularly. Start by deciding you are a runner. Think “fake it until you make it”. It sounds clique but there is some truth. Once you decide you are a runner you then have to convince your subconscious mind it is true. How? Start running. Every time you go for a run you are making a case for your new reality. I am a runner. See, I’m running. Eventually your subconscious mind will catch up to this new habit and you will no longer have to fake it. You and everyone around you will confirm that you are in fact a runner.

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