Exfoliate at Home Like a Professional

Regular exfoliation for even texture and tone.

Achieve professional results at home.



Why Exfoliate?

Chemical exfoliation uses chemical to strip off the top layer of skin. This layer is called the stratum corneum and it is a layer of dead skin cells. Promoting regular exfoliation of this layer will keep your pores from getting logged and your skin looking bright. Without exfoliation pores can get clogged leading to breakouts. Dullness and texture can be a result of failing to exfoliate on a regular basis.

How Often to Exfoliate?

Once weekly at home exfoliation is suffice to maintain a health skin barrier while still getting the benefits of acid exfoliation. Excessive exfoliation can lead to a compromised skin barrier. Signs of over exfoliation: dry flaky skin that appears red and irritated.

Best Products and Routine?

There are two forms of exfoliation that can be done at home. Chemical and Physical. Chemical exfoliation uses acids and/or fruit enzymes to remove the top layer of skin. On the other hand physcial exfoliation uses small particles to remove dead skin cells. Both can get the job done but chemical exfoliation is more gentle on the skin. Physical exfoliation can cause microscopic skin tears.


Medical Grade Exfoliation

SKINBETTER AlphaRet Exfoliating Peel Pad

A unique technology that is made up of a combination of three acids glycolic, lactic and salicylic acid, all in individually packaged pads.

Why You'll Love It: Improvement in the appearance of skin smoothness, clarity, and tone.

Elizabeth Amaefula

CPA by day skin care junky by night. Hyperpigmentation? I’m your girl let me teach you how to achieve even skin tone.


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