Hello, I'm Dr. Glory.

I dedicated years of my life to learning and practicing conventional medicine. All of my medical training could not have prepared me for the unexpected grief of the COVID pandemic. It was in the mist of my own despair that I learned the power of cultivating self compassion and acceptance. This is the key to overall wellbeing. Join me as I continue my wellness journey. Est in 2020 this platform is a resource to share what I have learned thus far and the ways I hope to continue growing.


doctor glory



You are here to achieve self actualization.

Maslow's idea of self-actualization, the full realization of one's potential and of one's true self.

It is from your highest self that you create your desired life. Here, you will learn to cultivate the self that you desire. Integral to this transformation is self-acceptance, love and gratitude for who you are right now. For we cannot move forward until we accept the present.

How ?

Better health starts with the intention behind how we take care of our bodies. Mindset work answers the questions, how do I want to show up in the world. The ultimate measure of the quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.