3 Reasons You Have A UTI
This is one of the biggest causes I see in the Emergency Room. Young women don’t know the importance of urinating after sex. The stream of urine pushes any potential bacteria away from your urethra (where your urine comes out).
Fastest Way to Stop Anxiety
Hold onto those moments of clarity. Those moments when the clutter parts and you get a glimpse of what your soul try wants. They are peaceful and true. Write them down. When the screens are off, the phones down and you are left with just your own thoughts.
How To Set Boundaries
They don’t always have to be verbalized. It would be exhausting to express to everyone you come into contact on a daily basis what your boundaries are. The most important person who needs to know your boundaries is you.
Know your boundaries. This is harder than It sounds. There are certain boundaries you wont realize until you are faced with a new situation.
Best Of French Beauty Skincare
When it comes to skincare French women keep it simple, low cost, and effective.
Unlike in the Western world where the motto is often more is more, French women value simple yet effective skincare. By simple, I mean the back of the ingredients isn’t miles long. Instead you will find a lot of French beauty is composed of science supported ingredients well formulated and beautifully packaged. Drug store skincare packaged like higher end department score brands.
Vaginal Discharge Explained by a Doctor
Bacterial vaginosis BV is caused by overgrowth of Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides, Mobiluncus,and Mycoplasma hominis. These bacteria are normally found i n the vagina, but the growth is controlled by Lactobacillus. Several factors can lead to the overgrowth, including recent change in sexual partners and douching.
Do This to Ease Anxiety
Gratitude.It begins the moment I open my eyes with a simple prayer. Thank you Lord for this day. Another opportunity to try again.Before my mind can be flooded with to do lists, worry, anxieties of yesterday and the inevitable fears of today,
I Say Out Loud 3 THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR TODAY. Don’t over think, let it be simple and sincere. Today I am grateful to live in a safe part of the world. I’m grateful to be a funny person, apparently I make people laugh.
What Does Vitamin C Serum Do?
Vitamin C has many benefits. Most notable stimulating collagen and fading hyperpigmentation. hyperpigmentation = dark spots. Test your skincare IQ with this free quick quiz.
Top 5 Acne Treatments Without Prescription
You’re busy. Maybe you don’t have access to a board certified skin specialist. You like natural solutions and prefer not to use man made pharmaceuticals. Do any of those sound familiar? Here are 5 research proven acne fighting treatments that you can find online or at your local pharmacy and beauty store.
5 Journal Prompts for Coping During Stress
Journaling can be a great mood booster. It doesn’t cost you anything all you need is paper, pen, and a quite place. But if you’re like me and you like easthetically pleasing journals here are my top 3 from stationary makers PAPIER.
Your Relationship Attachment Style
Attachment theory is a concept in clinical psychology that attempts to explain human behavior as it relates to relationships. Attachment forms in early childhood largely based on the relationship with your early caretakers. It then shapes how we show up and relate to others in our adult relationships. Based on attachment theory by John Bowlbys work dating back to the 1950s.
This Supplement Cured My Insomnia
The power of restful sleep. Our bodies store memories, make sense of all the events of our often chaotic day, and restores its self at night. One of the reasons your powerhouse skincare ingredients go on at night when your skin is most likely to deeply absorb. This time is important, its no wonder shorter periods of sleep are linked to the aging process. Did you know lack of restful sleep at night may cause you increased levels of anxiety during the day? Ok time to geek out on some science, I promise it won’t be too painful.
Best At Home Exfoliation
Skincare on a budget doesn’t have to mean sacrificing quality. BENEFITS OF REGULAR EXFOLIATION: Regular exfoliating breaks apart the top layer of dead skin causing the skin cells to slough off. Newer more even skin at the bottom of the skin are forced upward to top giving brighter more even tone skin. In addition to preventing clogged pores exfoliation also causes the regeneration of collagen
Awaken Your Feminine Energy
Love is not only a feeling it’s action. Love at its essence is a verb. The way you love, doesn’t shape shift depending on the object of your affection. The way you love in all your relationships is the same. If you are a generous lover. You’re friends would likely describe you as amibable and easy going. Your co workers my describe you as understanding while your romantic partner may perceive you as forgiving. The way you do one thing is the way you do everything. So if you are waiting for a great romantic partner to turn on your love switch, you’ve go it all wrong.
Safe Laser Hair Removal
Removing the hair on your face with laser hair removal is cosmetic but it can have many long term benefits. The benefits of laser hair removal go beyond the cosmetic appeal of a hairless face.
Overcoming Self Doubt for Women
You’ve probably heard these wise words. You cannot love anyone more than you love yourself. The way in which you love yourself is the same way you extend your love to others. It is impossible to love others if you are incapable of loving yourself. Love starts with self. Affection and attraction for a romantic lover. Loyalty for a best friend or even care for family members is not love. Love is the actions that are used to express those found feelings. What was the last act of love you extended to yourself?
Change Your Stress Level In 5 Minutes
Get out of your head and into the present moment. Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, have your thoughts run away train? To Be clear this is something you can do at anytime anywhere. It can take just a few minutes to reconnect with your center of gravity again and release the tension that is building. Almost like hitting a release valve on a boiler that is about to implode.
Best Vitamins For Women
Vitamins are micronutrients essential for your body to perform. They cannot be created by the human body so you have to ingest them in your diet to maintain good health and prevent disease. The exception to this rule is Vitamin D which is created in your skin after sun exposure. Vitamins are different from minerals like Iron and Calcium, which we will discuss in a later post.
Try This 5-Minute Love Manifestation
GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME. This great love that you hope for. The journey for anything good and worth having in life is long. Despite what technology driven apps, fad diet infomercials, and marketing campaigns try and make us believe. Look at nature, the robust tree outside started as a single seed small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. That growth took time. A lot more time than we often times want to wait for good things to happen. Millionaire and Founder of Misfits Market Place, an online market place for slightly imperfect produce as reduced prices, shares that he started multiple failed business before this highly profitable one.
Simple Night Routine for Deep Sleep
Have you ever found yourself minutes away from your bedtime rushing to finish an email, movie, or task. Then quickly brushing your teeth pulling off your close and lying in be hoping that sleep instantly and spontaneously catches you so that you can achieve the pre determined number of hours of sleep? If yes then you probably know this doesn’t work chances are you end of up staring at the
Review Relationship Book Calling In The One
This book is more like an instruction manual to help raise your relationship IQ. For all of your relationships not just romantic partnerships. Katherine Thomas does a wonderful job of forcing the reader to dive deep into their own psyche. To realize what role you play in a dysfunctional relationship and most importantly why?