Review Relationship Book Calling In The One
This relationship book was suggested to me by a friend who read it twice and was preparing to read it for a third time. The principles in this book had revolutionized the way she saw relationships and herself within the eco system of a partnership. It had been so good she wanted to read it again with friends. This book is more like an instruction manual to raise your relationship IQ. For all of your relationships not just romantic partnerships. Katherine Thomas does a wonderful job of forcing the reader to dive deep into their own psyche. To realize what role they play in a dysfunctional relationship and most importantly why?
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This is not just a book on how to become the person that can attract the type of love you desire. This is a workbook by which you will be transformed. This is best completed with other people who can not only hold you accountable but help you work through your own thinking.
I still to this day use this book as a quick reference when I want to refresh or remind myself of important concepts. To say this book changed my life would be a hyperbole. I will however say it has been a key factor for my transformation into a more loving woman.
My friends and family have affirmed my growth. But what you really want to know is, did I call in the one?
Keep reading.
My personal copy.
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I am the cause. In all thing you have some part to hold yourself accountable. In the book you are forced to practice the habit of taking blame for some part of very disagreement. This was difficult at first but the longer I sat with the assignment I realized even in situations where I was sure I was the victim I could come up with genuine reasons by I had a part to play.
Be generous with your love. Holding space for others to disappoint, disapprove, or not love up in the way we desire and somehow still
Self Love is not about lighting candles and applying face masks. Self Love is honoring your needs, wants, desires, vision for your life.
Generate love. Loving actions bring loving feelings. Love is like a fire you have to actively create the friction or energy to keep the fire going. The love that is missing is the love you have failed to generate.
It is my responsibility to determine and communicate how I want to be loved.
You too can manifest love, start today.
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The book is divided into basically three parts
Part One Believe Love is Possible
Part Two Heal Old Wounds
Part Three Create the Vision for the Lover You Want to Be
Finally, she closes the book with a call to action and to hope no matter how the journey unfolds.
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About one year after reading this book I met a man. I am activity practicing what I have learned. Is he the one? Only time will tell.