WELLNESS Glory Okugo WELLNESS Glory Okugo

Do This to Ease Anxiety

Gratitude.It begins the moment I open my eyes with a simple prayer. Thank you Lord for this day. Another opportunity to try again.Before my mind can be flooded with to do lists, worry, anxieties of yesterday and the inevitable fears of today,

I Say Out Loud 3 THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR TODAY. Don’t over think, let it be simple and sincere. Today I am grateful to live in a safe part of the world. I’m grateful to be a funny person, apparently I make people laugh.

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WELLNESS Glory Okugo WELLNESS Glory Okugo

Change Your Stress Level In 5 Minutes

Get out of your head and into the present moment. Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, have your thoughts run away train? To Be clear this is something you can do at anytime anywhere. It can take just a few minutes to reconnect with your center of gravity again and release the tension that is building. Almost like hitting a release valve on a boiler that is about to implode.

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